Default transcription:
All additions to the text are superscript.
Additions on the facing leaf are also in green. Deletions are struck out. Unclear passages are in gray.
Place indications:
All additions to the text are superscript.
Additions on the facing leaf are also in green. All additions are preceded by the indication of their place on the manuscript. Deletions
are struck out. Unclear passages are in gray.
Writing tools:
Same treatment of additions and deletions as above. All additions and deletions are
presented in the color of the writing tools with which Samuel Beckett has made them:
black ink, pencil, red ink, and so on.
Top layer:
The top layer of the draft: deleted passages are not displayed and additions are not
distinguished as additions, resulting in a reading text of the final version of the
draft. The 'top layer' does not constitute a separate version, the option is simply
offered to facilitate the examination of the manuscripts.