Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Krapp's Last Tape / La Dernière Bande


Segment 1

[0042] Spooool![0044] (Pause. [0045] He stoops to table, starts peering and poking
at the boxes
[0046] Box...thrree...thrree...four...two...(with sur-
)...nine! Good God!! ... the little rascal!
[0047] (He
separates holds the biox three from others
up high between finger & thumb.)
[0048] Box thrree.[0049] (He lays it on the table opens it, peers
at the spools inside
[0050] Spool...(he peers at ledger, finds entry)
...five. (He peers at spools.) Five...five...ah! the little
soundrel )!
[0051] (He takes out a spool, straihghtens up, holds it up spool high
between finger and thumb

Segment 2

[0052] Spool five.[0053] (He lays it on table,
closes box three, puts it back with the others. He takes up
[0054] Box thrree, spool five.[0055] (He bends over machine, puts
spool on it,
[0059] loads tape on machine, rubs his hands.)[0060] Ah![0061] Now! (He etc peers at ledger. Reading entry at foot of page.)
[0062] Mother at rest at last...[0064] The black ball...[0065](He raises his head., stares front
[0066] Puzzled.)[0067] Black ball?[0067|001] (Pause. [0068] He peers again at ledger, reads.)
[0069] The dark nurse.[0070] (He raises his head, broods, peers again at

Segment 3

[0071] Improvement in bowel condition...[0073]Memorable...what?[0074] (He
peers closer
[0075] Equinox, memorable equinox.[0076] (He raises his head,
stares front.
[0077] Puzzled.)[0078] Memorable equinox?[0079] (Pause. [0080] He shrugs
his shioulders, peers again at ledger
[0081] (Farewell to - (he turns
the page
) - love.

Segment 4

[0082] He raises his head, broods, bends over machine, switches it on
and assumes listening posture, i.e. leaning forward, elbows on
table, hands cupping ear towards machine, face front

[0083] (strong young voice, rather pompous, obviously Krapp's at a
much earlier time

Segment 5

[0084] This day, being in the third - [0085] (Settling
himself more comfotably comfortably he knocks a box off the
he curses, switches off machine, sweeps boxed and ledger violently
off the table, winds tape back to beginning, switches on machine

[0084] Thirty-seven today, sound as a -[0085] (Settling himself more com-
fortably he knocks one of the boxes foff the table., He curses
switches off machine, sweeps boxes and ledger from table
violently ½from table, winds tape back to beginning, xswitches
on machine, resumes pose

Segment 6

[0086] Thirty-seven today, sound as a -
a...(hesitates)...whistle, apart from my old trouble, and in-
tellectually I have little dou now every reason to believe suspect at the½
the...(hesitates)...peak apogee crest of my powers - or thereabouts.
[0087] Celebrat-
ed the awful occasion, as in recent years, quietly at the Wine-
[0088] No Not o face there I knew Not a soul.[0089] Sat before the fire with closed
eyes, separating the grain from the chaff.
[0090] Jotted down a few note
notes, on the back of an envelope.

Segment 7

[0091] Good to be back home again again in my den,
in my old rags.
[0092] Have just eaten I am ashamed to say regret to say three bananas and only with an
great difficulty refrained from a fourth.
[0097] The new light above my table is
a great improveme,nt.
[0098] With all this darkness round me I feel less
[0099] (Pause.)[0100] In a way.[0101] (Pause.)[0102] I like to get up and move about in it,
then back here to...(hesitates)

Segment 8

[0105] Pause.
[0106] The grain, what do I mean by that, I mean...(pause hesitates)...I suppose
I mean those things worth having when all the dust has - when all
my dust has settled.
[0107] I close my eyes and try and imagine them.
[0108] Pause. Long pause

Addition 1
rubs his hands.) Ah!
Addition 2
Now! (He etc
Addition 3
apogee crest
Addition 4
I really must really eschew them cut them out!
Addition 5
Worst possible Fatal things for a man with my condition. [0095] Cut them out. [0096] (Pause.)
Doodle 1
  • Segments
  • Marginal Additions
  • Doodles