Digital Manuscript ProjectKrapp's Last Tape / La Dernière Bande
[0341] (Vehemently.)[0342] Keep 'em under![0343] (Pause.)[0344] Scalded the eyes
out of me reading Effie again, a page a day, with tears
again.[0345] Effie....[0346](Pause.)[0347] Could have been happy with
her, up there on the Baltic, and the pines, and the
dunes.[0348] (Pause.)[0349] Could I?[0350] (Pause.)[0351] And she?[0352] (Pause.)
[0353] Pah![0354] (Pause.)[0355] Fanny came in a couple of times.[0356] Bony
old ghost of a whore.[0357] Couldn't do much, but I suppose
better than a kick in the crutch.[0358] The last time wasn't so
bad.[0359] How do you manage it, she said, at your age?[0360] I
told her I'd been saving up for her all my life.[0361] (Pause.)
[0362] Went to Vespers once, like when I was in short trousers.
[0363] (Pause.[0364] Sings.)
[0365] Now the day is over,
Night is drawing nigh-igh,
Shadows—(coughing, then almost inaudible)—
of the evening
Steal across the sky.
[0366] (Gasping.)[0367] Went to sleep and fell off the pew.[0368] (Pause.)
[0369] Sometimes wondered in the night if a last effort mightn't
—[0370](Pause.)[0371] Ah finish your booze now and get to your
bed.[0372] Go on with this drivel in the morning.[0373] Or leave it
at that.[0374] (Pause.)[0375] Leave it at that.[0376] (Pause.)[0377] Lie propped
up in the dark—and wander.[0378] Be again in the dingle on a
Christmas Eve, gathering holly, the red-berried.[0379] (Pause.)
[0380] Be again on Croghan on a Sunday morning, in the haze,
with the bitch, stop and listen to the bells.[0381] (Pause.)[0382] And
so on.[0383] (Pause.)[0384] Be again, be again.[0385] (Pause.)[0386] All that old
misery.[0387] (Pause.)[0388] Once wasn't enough for you.[0389] (Pause.)
[0390] Lie down across her.
- Segments
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Krapp's Last Tape / La Dernière Bande © 2015 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle and Vincent Neyt