Digital Manuscript ProjectKrapp's Last Tape / La Dernière Bande
[0393] —gooseberries, she said.[0394] I said again I thought it was
hopeless and no good going on, and she agreed,
without opening her eyes.[0395] (Pause.)[0396] I asked her to look at
me and after a few moments—(pause)—after a few
moments she did, but the eyes just slits, because of the
glare.[0397] I bent over her to get them in the shadow and
they opened.
[0398] (Pause.[0399] Low.)[0400] Let me in.[0401] (Pause.)[0402] We
drifted in among the flags and stuck.[0403] The way they went
down , sighing, before the stem![0404] (Pause.)[0405] I lay down
across her with my face in her breasts and my hand on
her.[0406] We lay there without moving.[0407] But under us all
moved, and moved us, gently, up and down, and from
side to side.
[0415] Here I end this reel.[0416] Box—(pause)—three, spool—
(pause)—five.[0417] (Pause.)[0418] Perhaps my best years are gone.
[0419] When there was a chance of happiness.[0420] But I wouldn't
want them back.[0421] Not with the fire in me now.[0422] No, I
wouldn't want them back.
[0423] ([₰]KRAPP motionler[₰] ss staring before him.[0424] The tape runs on
in silence.)[₰]
[0425] CURTAIN
NOTE:—All rights in Samuel Beckett's Krapp's Last Tape are reserved,
including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.
Caution: Professionals and amateurs are hereby warned that this play,
being fully protected under the copyright laws of the United States, the
British Empire including the Dominion of Canada, and all other
countries of the Copyright Union, is subject to royalty. All rights,
including professional, amateur, motion-picture, recitation, public
reading, radio and television broadcasting, and the rights of translation
into foreign languages, are strictly reserved. Permission for any use of
the play must be obtained in writing from the author's agent, Grove
Press, Inc., 795 Broadway, New York, 3 New York.
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
- Metamarks
Krapp's Last Tape / La Dernière Bande © 2015 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle and Vincent Neyt