Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Krapp's Last Tape / La Dernière Bande


Segment 1

[0246] day when my work will be done and
perhaps no place left in my memory, warm
or cold, for the miracle that ... (hesitates)
... for the fire that set it alight.
[0247] What I
suddenly saw then was this, that the belief
I had been going on all my life, namely–

Segment 2

[0248] (Krapp switches off impatiently, winds
tape forward, switches on again
granite rocks the foam flying up in the
light of the lighthouse and the wind-gauge
spinning like a propellor, clear to me at last
that the dark I have always struggled to
keep under is in reality my most–

Segment 3

[0250] (Krapp
curses, switches off, winds tape forward,
switches on again
association until my dissolution of storm
and night with the light of the
understanding and the fire–

Segment 4

[0252] (Krapp curses
louder, switches off, winds tape forward,
switches on again
[0253]–my face in her breasts
and my hand on her.
[0254] We lay there without
[0255] But under us all moved, and
moved us, gently, up and down, and from
side to side.

[0256] Pause.

  • Segments