Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Krapp's Last Tape / La Dernière Bande
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 223


Krapp's Last Tape Segment 223, version 1 (MS-UoR-1227-7-7-1, f. )

I was there when the blind went down, throwing a ball for a dog I remember.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 223, version 2 (MS-UoR-1227-7-7-1, f. 16r)

I was there when the blind went down, throwing a ball for a dog as xx xxx it happened. (A switches off, broods, switches on again) - the blind went down, the throwing a ball for a dog as it happened.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 223, version 3 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-1, f. 2r)

I was there when -o - 5( hHe switches off, broods, wswitches on again)- the blind went down, one of those dirty brown roller affairs, throwing a ball fo r a for a dog as it happened [ Stet.] I was.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 223, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-2, f. 3r)

8 I was there when - (A switches off, broods, switches on again) - the blind went down, one of those dirty brown roller affairs, throwing a ball for a dog as it happened. chance wd. have it.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 223, version 5 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-3, f. 4r)

I was there when - (Krapp switches off, broods, switches on again) - the blind went down, one of those dirty brown roller affairs, throwing a ball for a dog an Aberdeen fox terrier as chance would have it.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 223, version 6 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-4, f. 4r)

I was there when - (Krapp switches off, broods, switches on again) - thea the blind went down, one of those dirty brown roller affairs, throwing a ball for a wire-haired fox-terrier bitch, as chance would have it.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 223, version 7 (MS-UoR-1659, f. 5r)

I was there when - (Krapp switches off, broods, switches on again) - the blind went down, one of those dirty brown roller affairs, throwing a ball for a wire-haired fox-terrier little white dog, as chance would have it.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 223, version 8 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-5, f. 5r)

I was there when - (Krapp switches off, broods, switches on again) - the blind went down, one of those dirty brown roller affairs, throwing a ball for a witre-haired fox-terrier, as chance would have it.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 223, version 9 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-7, f. 6v)

I was there when—(KRAPP switches off, broods, switches on again)—the blind went down, one of those dirty brown roller affairs, throwing a ball for a little white dog, as chance would have it.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 223, version 10 (Faber and Faber 1959, p. 14)

I was there when - (KRAPP switches off, broods, switches on again) - the blind went down, one of those dirty brown roller affairs, throwing a ball for a little white dog as chance would have it.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 223, version 11 (MS-SYR-GP-95, f. 19r)

I was there when–(Krapp switches off, broods, switches on again)–the blind went down, one of those dirty brown roller affairs, throwing a ball for a little white dog as chance would have it.

La Dernière Bande Segment 223, version 12 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-6, f. 5r)

J'étais là quand - (Krapp débranche l'appareil, rêvasse, rebranche l'appareil) - le store s'est baissé, un de ces machins marron sale qui s'enroulent, là en train de jeter une balle pour un petit chien blanc, ça s'est trouvé comme ça.

La Dernière Bande Segment 223, version 13 (Les Lettres Nouvelles, p. 9)

J'étais là quand — (Krapp débranche l'appareil, rêvasse, rebranche l'appareil) — le store s'est baissé, un de ces machins marron sale qui s'enroulent, en train de jeter une balle pour un petit chien blanc, ça s'est trouvé comme ça.

La Dernière Bande Segment 223, version 14 (Minuit 1959, p. 21)

J'étais là quand — (Krapp débranche l'appareil, rêvasse, rebranche l'appareil) — le store s'est baissé, un de ces machins marron sale qui s'enroulent, là en train de jeter une balle pour un petit chien blanc, ça c'est trouvé comme ça.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 223, version 15 (MS-HRC-SB-5-4, f. 17r)

I was there when - (KRAPP switches off, broods, switches on again) - the blind went down, one of those dirty brown roller affairs, throwing a ball for a little white dog as chance would have it.