Digital Manuscript ProjectStirrings Still / Soubresauts
such a place & somehow left it out of it For how could
not even such
a one as he having once been found himself in such a place
& then somehow out of it again not shudder to
find himself somehow in it again nor turn & which he had
for help though of course in vain to the thought though of
course thought not the word that having somehow
got out of it again then there must be somewhere
a way out of it again now neither of which he had
donedone not done. Then Nor having shuddered not turn for help to
the thought so-called for want of a worse word that having got out of it somehow
then he could get out of it somehow again
which he had not done either.
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
- Dates
Stirrings Still / Soubresauts © 2011 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle and Vincent Neyt