Digital Manuscript ProjectStirrings Still / Soubresauts
he must be said to -
What walls were there that might
as well not have been?
So all ears till now
Light only to be described as none in-
different other than theindescribable indoor a reproduction of the
indescribable indoor
But come & go as he might and so in principle presumably drew nearer closer to the
clock wherever it was or further from
it away the strokes were still those now
clear now faint as when in theory principle
deadened by his four walls.
Of the single other sound namely that of cries
so long the enlivener of his solitude
as he sat at his table head on hands
the same was true.
Of the sole other sound that is that of cries
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Stirrings Still / Soubresauts © 2011 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle and Vincent Neyt