Digital Manuscript ProjectStirrings Still / Soubresauts
[0111] So on till stayed when to his ears from deep within
oh how and here a word he could not catch it were to end
where never till then.[0112] Pause Rest then before again from not long till again
to so long that perhaprs perhaps never again and then again faint from
deep within oh how and here again that missing word it were to
end where never till then.
[0112] Pause Rest then before again from not long till again
to so long that perhaprs perhaps never again and then again faint from
deep within oh how and here again that missing word it were to
end where never till then.[0111] So on till stayed when to his ears from deep within
oh how and here a word he could not catch it were to end
where never till then.
[0113] In anty case whatever it might be it
were to end and so on was he not already as he stood there all
bowed down and to his ears faint from deep within again and
again oh how something ansd so on was he not so far as he could
see already there where never till then?
[0114] For how would even such a I as he a one as he having once found himself in such a place
and somehow out of it again not shudder to find himself in it
again which he had not done nor having shuddered turn in vain seek help to the thought
so-called that having somehow got out of it then he could somehow
get out of t of it again which he had not done either.
[0115] There then
all this time where never till then and so far as he could see
in every direction when he raised his head and opened his eyes
no danger or hope as the case might be of his ever getting out
of it.
[0116] We Was he tne then now to press on regardless now in one direction
and now in another or on the other hand not sir stir stir no more as the case
might be that is as that missing word might be whiech which if pejorative to warn such as sad or bad for example then of course in spite of all
the one and if the rveverse such as good for example then of course the other . that is not stir that is stir no more.
[0117] Such & much more such the hubbub in his mind so-called till nothing left from
deep within but only ever fainter oh to end.[0118] No matter how. No
matter where .[0118|001] Oh to end.[0119] Time & crying plaint grief & self so-called.[0120] Oh only all to end.
[0117] Such & much more such the hubbub in his mind so-called till nothing left from
deep within but only ever fainter oh to end.[0116] We Was he tne then now to press on regardless now in one direction
and now in another or on the other hand not sir stir stir no more as the case
might be that is as that missing word might be whiech which if pejorative to warn such as sad or bad for example then of course in spite of all
the one and if the rveverse such as good for example then of course the other . that is not stir that is stir no more.
[0118] No matter how. No
matter where .[0118|001] Oh to end.[0119] Time & crying plaint grief & self so-called.[0120] Oh only all to end.
[0118] No matter how. No
matter where .[0116] We Was he tne then now to press on regardless now in one direction
and now in another or on the other hand not sir stir stir no more as the case
might be that is as that missing word might be whiech which if pejorative to warn such as sad or bad for example then of course in spite of all
the one and if the rveverse such as good for example then of course the other . that is not stir that is stir no more.
[0117] Such & much more such the hubbub in his mind so-called till nothing left from
deep within but only ever fainter oh to end.[0118|001] Oh to end.[0119] Time & crying plaint grief & self so-called.[0120] Oh only all to end.
[0118|001] Oh to end.[0116] We Was he tne then now to press on regardless now in one direction
and now in another or on the other hand not sir stir stir no more as the case
might be that is as that missing word might be whiech which if pejorative to warn such as sad or bad for example then of course in spite of all
the one and if the rveverse such as good for example then of course the other . that is not stir that is stir no more.
[0117] Such & much more such the hubbub in his mind so-called till nothing left from
deep within but only ever fainter oh to end.[0118] No matter how. No
matter where .[0119] Time & crying plaint grief & self so-called.[0120] Oh only all to end.
[0119] Time & crying plaint grief & self so-called.[0116] We Was he tne then now to press on regardless now in one direction
and now in another or on the other hand not sir stir stir no more as the case
might be that is as that missing word might be whiech which if pejorative to warn such as sad or bad for example then of course in spite of all
the one and if the rveverse such as good for example then of course the other . that is not stir that is stir no more.
[0117] Such & much more such the hubbub in his mind so-called till nothing left from
deep within but only ever fainter oh to end.[0118] No matter how. No
matter where .[0118|001] Oh to end.[0120] Oh only all to end.
[0120] Oh only all to end.[0116] We Was he tne then now to press on regardless now in one direction
and now in another or on the other hand not sir stir stir no more as the case
might be that is as that missing word might be whiech which if pejorative to warn such as sad or bad for example then of course in spite of all
the one and if the rveverse such as good for example then of course the other . that is not stir that is stir no more.
[0117] Such & much more such the hubbub in his mind so-called till nothing left from
deep within but only ever fainter oh to end.[0118] No matter how. No
matter where .[0118|001] Oh to end.[0119] Time & crying plaint grief & self so-called.
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Stirrings Still / Soubresauts © 2011 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle and Vincent Neyt