Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Stirrings Still / Soubresauts
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 116


Stirrings Still Segment 116, version 1 (MS-UoR-2934, f. 10v)

Was he then now to put his best foot forward press on regardless now in one direction now in another or on the other hand stay where he was as the case might be that is as that one word might be which if pejorative such as sad or bad then of course in spite of all the one & if the reverse the other that is stir no more.

Stirrings Still Segment 116, version 2 (MS-UoR-2935-5-2, f. 1r)

We Was he tne then now to press on regardless now in one direction and now in another or on the other hand not sir stir stir no more as the case might be that is as that missing word might be whiech which if pejorative to warn such as sad or bad for example then of course in spite of all the one and if the rveverse such as good for example then of course the other . that is not stir that is stir no more.

Stirrings Still Segment 116, version 3 (MS-UoR-2935-5-3, f. 1r)

Was he then now to press on regardless now in one direction and now in another or on the other hand stir no more as the case might be that is as that missing word might be which if to warn such as sad or bad for exeample then of course in spirte of all the one and if the reverse then of coulr course the other that is stir no more.

Soubresauts Segment 116, version 4 (MS-UoR-3543, f. 4r)

Fallait-il donc comme si de rien n'était pousser de l'avant tantôt dans une direction tantôt dans une autre ou au contraire ne plus bouger selon le cas c'est à dire selon ce mot perdu lequel s'il s'avérait négatif tel que malheureux ou malvenu par exemple alors évidemment malgré tout l'un et au cas contraire alors évidemment l'autre à savoir ne plus bouger.

Stirrings Still Segment 116, version 5 (Calder 1988, p. 21r)

Was he then now to press on regardless now in one direction and now in another or on the other hand stir no more as the case might be that is as that missing word might be which if to warn such as sad or bad for example then of course in spite of all the one and if the reverse then of course the other that is stir no more.

Soubresauts Segment 116, version 6 (Minuit 1989, p. 27r)

Fallait-il donc comme si de rien n'était pousser de l'avant tantôt dans une direction tantôt dans une autre ou au contraire ne plus bouger selon le cas c'est à dire selon ce mot perdu lequel s'il s'avérait négatif tel que malheureux ou malvenu par exemple alors évidemment malgré tout l'un et au cas contraire alors évidemment l'autre à savoir ne plus bouger.