Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
That Time / Cette fois
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 4


That Time Segment 4, version 1 (MS-UoR-1477-1, f. 12r)

A B C shd. be distinguishable as modes of the one. If the location & thematic diversity insufficient to convey this effect it shd. be sought in level (xxx) of recording.

That Time Segment 4, version 2 (MS-UoR-1477-1, f. 13r)

Note: If voices not sufficiently differentiated by

That Time Segment 4, version 3 (MS-UoR-1477-1, f. 13r)


That Time Segment 4, version 4 (MS-UoR-1477-1, f. 13r)

If differentiation of voices

That Time Segment 4, version 5 (MS-UoR-1477-1, f. 13r)

If strange dispersion in space and

That Time Segment 4, version 6 (MS-UoR-1477-1, f. 13r)

If dif. of voices not sufficiently clear through dispersion in space and xxx differences xxx xxx xxx of context it should be underlin underlined reinforced by xxx quality of recording

That Time Segment 4, version 7 (MS-UoR-1477-1, f. 13r)

If A B & C not sufficiently different

That Time Segment 4, version 8 (MS-UoR-1477-1, f. 13r)

If spatial & thematic separation insufficient to di

That Time Segment 4, version 9 (MS-UoR-1477-1, f. 13r)

If spatial & thematic diversity triple location & thematic diversity insufficient to differentiate the voices they should be further recording xxx be should be used to

That Time Segment 4, version 10 (MS-UoR-1477-1, f. 13r)

x A B C are modes of the same. If this fact distinction not xxx by xxx conveyed by triple location & thematic diversity it should be

That Time Segment 4, version 11 (MS-UoR-1477-1, f. 13r)

If triple location and thematic diversity no prove insufficient to convey this distinction it should be underscored by

That Time Segment 4, version 12 (MS-UoR-1477-1, f. 13r)

shd. be just distinguishable as modes modes sha different shades of the xxx xxx xxx same. xxx xxx xxxion of If triple location plus thematic diversity insufficient to convey this effect it should xx be sought in differentiation xxx in different at the recording level diversity of the recording.

That Time Segment 4, version 13 (MS-UoR-1477-7, f. 05r)

If this []effect[] not sufficiently conveyed by diversity of source & context xxx it shd. be assisted mechanically (e.g slight diversity of pitch).

That Time Segment 4, version 14 (MS-UoR-1477-7, f. 05v)

If this effect insufficiently conveyed by diversity of source & context it should be assisted mechanically (e.g. slight diversity of pitch).

That Time Segment 4, version 15 (MS-UoR-1477-8, f. 07r)

If threefold source and context prove insufficient to produce this effect it should be assisted mechanically (e.g. threefold pitch).

That Time Segment 4, version 16 (MS-BC-1991001-13-4, f. 09r)

If threefold source and context prove insufficient to produce this effect it should be assisted mechanically (e.g. threefold pitch).

That Time Segment 4, version 17 (Faber & Faber 1976, p. 8)

If threefold source and context prove insufficient to produce this effect it should be assisted mechanically (e.g. threefold pitch).

Cette fois Segment 4, version 18 (MS-UoR-1657-1, f. 10r)

Devraient y suffire à cet effet leur séparation distinction dans l'espace et les séparation dans l'espace et par le contexte. Sinon il xxx faudra y suppléer par un techniquement, au niveau de l'enregistrement

Cette fois Segment 4, version 19 (MS-UoR-1657-1, f. 10r)

Effet à assister techniquement mécaniquement, au niveau de l'enregistrement, au cas cas sans séparation dans l'espace, et de par le contexte, n'y suffirait pas n'y suffirait pas xxx la diversité de source et de contexte

Cette fois Segment 4, version 20 (MS-UoR-1657-3, f. 08r)

Effet à assister mécaniquement, au niveau de l'enregistrement, au cas où n'y suffirait pas la diversité de source provenance et de contexte.

Cette fois Segment 4, version 21 (MS-UoR-3628, f. 22r)

Effet à assister mécaniquement, au niveau de l'enregistrement, au cas où n'y suffirait pas la diversité de provenance et de contexte.

Cette fois Segment 4, version 22 (Minuit 1978, p. 25)

Effet à assister mécaniquement, au niveau de l'enregistrement, au cas où n'y suffirait pas la diversité de provenance et de contexte.